- 09.10.2015

The aim of this project is to exchange cultural patterns and to promote traditional costumes and songs. The participants will post relevant videos, PPT presentations and pictures about traditional costumes and songs on Twinspace.
Pay it forward
- 14.10.2019

In November 2019 our school will be planting 420 trees, as an act of kindness for our planet and community. We will then ask another partner school to ,,pay it forward’’ and they will need to participate in a kindness act, at their choice: planting trees, baking cakes and visiting…
- 02.10.2019

This is an eTwinning project for 4-6 years old pupils. The Project aims to improve pupils’ english language skills through project based activities.
Learning by doing
- 28.10.2019

Acest proiect oferă libertatea copiilor de a își exprima propriile opinii.
Mano augintinis (My Pet)
- 11.06.2020

Naminiai gyvūnai žmonėms suteikia neišsenkančios meilės atsargas. Vaikai, kurie turi augintinį, moka jį mylėti, juo rūpintis. Projektas „Mano augintinis” vaikams suteiks galimybę pristatyti savo augintinį, kaip juo rūpinasi, padėti beglobiams gyvūnams.Projekto metu vaikai pieš, fotografuos, dalinsis informacija apie augintinius, rengs virtualias piešinių ir nuotraukų parodas, surengs akciją „Padėkime beglobiams gyvūnams”.Projektas…
Pay it forward 2
- 08.09.2020

This project is based on good deeds and climate change challenges, We will take part in 20 climate change challenges and also we will carry on our ”chain of kindness” which we have started last year ((donations, shoe-boxes, charity events, etc).
Lumea copilăriei
- 20.12.2020

Proiectul nostru dorește să ne ducă în lumea copilăriei, unde putem să ne jucăm mereu, putem să ne dezvoltăm creativitatea prin exersarea abilităților noastre în arte plastice și practice. Haideți să ne cunoaștem, să ne împrietenim și să ne jucăm împreună!
eTwinning 2021-2022
- 01.04.2021
Gradinita Neghinita a obtinut statutul de unitate eTwinning pentru perioada 2021-2022.